
The MIND Challenge

MIND newsletter: The gambling of stone

Published 7 months ago • 1 min read

Happy Saturday everyone! ;)

1. M (Challenge your mindset)

It was how a client of mine explained her feelings about self-identity: the gambling of stone. If you're not familiar with the term, as I was the first time I heard it, it refers to an old practice of trading rough jadeite in China. Gamblers like to buy uncut jadeite in hopes that it's worth more than what they paid. The key here is that the outer layer of some jadeite stones is so weathered that it's impossible to judge the quality and value of the mineral underneath until someone buys it and has it cut open.

What is the image of the self that we claim, what is the image of the self we want to show others, and what is the image of the self that others actually perceive? No matter what we do, those three images are never completely aligned. If we imagine the three as three circles, they might overlap, nest within one another, or have no intersection at all. But they never coincide. In another sense, it's indeed a gamble when it comes to identity.

I used to be asked the question: "is there anyone in this world you believe you can show all the facets of who you are?"

Readers, how would you answer that question?

For me, I wonder if humans are like beautiful jadeite stones. Is it possible to reveal all of our cut layers to the gambler? Or to an admirer, indeed?

2. I (I'm my own coach)

Imagine you are that mysterious jadeite stone, concealed beneath layers that shield your true self, encompassing both your virtues and flaws. The admirer who dares to gamble on you is given three chances to unveil your essence, but with each cut, 30% of your qualities will be lost. What aspects of yourself will you relinquish in each iteration?

What will you hold onto, preserving as the precious 10% that remains?

This exercise is also known as 'Troll Travels - Who Am I,' and that final 10% represents the qualities you hold most dear. Whether they are perfect or imperfect, these are the aspects that carry significance to you.

3. N (The power of Now)

Have you recently discovered a facet of your identity that surprised you? What was it?

4. D (Do)

What changes or adjustments would this new facet bring to your daily life?

See this full newsletter on the website here.

P/s: In case you missed our previous newsletters, here is the link to the archive.

The MIND Challenge

by Tam Nguyen

A weekly mindset challenge and philosophical take on career development, with self-coaching tools in positive psychology, career development and spirituality to discover "How to live a bit better today than yesterday?"

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